Monday, November 29, 2010

In God We Trust..well, Sort of..

"In God We Trust" ...I've always found it a bit amusing to see the statement on our money. It's almost a sort of ironic twist on the nature of humans; how little we trust God and how much we trust in a green piece of paper. This paper that can be torn up in hundreds of pieces in an instant holds significant value in our lives. Money is so uncertain, today's gain is tomorrows loss, yet we rely on it.

Money has always played an interesting role in my life. I haven't ever had an abundant amount so I've never really placed much importance in it. I have been overwhelmingly blessed financially by God, leaving college with no debt and attending seminary with little. He has always provided and so I have always been generous. It's not mine, so when I feel God's call to donate or meet a need or bless someone, I do.

On that note, let's make something clear I still worry about money. 
As a waitress I make cash tips. I make $4.00 hourly, the rest is up to my customers. So generosity is a huge factor in how much I make. That being said a night can turn pretty sour after only a few bad tips and some unkind people. A good night means good tips, a bad one means crappy ones. How I gage a "good"  vs a "bad" shift has revealed an issue I have with trust.

I've come to see that a good shift should be one where, in spite of the money I make, if I show the love of Christ to one person, it wasn't just a good day at work but one of VALUE. God will take care of the rest.
Money from a worldly perspective = power, security, and happiness. Contrary to that belief, Jesus said we cannot serve both God and money (Matt 6:24). Bluntly--there is no hope in money (1 Tim 6:17, John 10:10).  So why waste time and energy on such a fleeting, uncertain thing? Why place your security in paper?

The more I trust in God, the more my faith shines ...and the less the "paper" matters. An investment in people offers an eternal reward worth far more than any dollar amount.
In my desire to live out my faith openly, God has challenged me on this point--am I going into work with the attitude, "I really hope I make a lot of money " or with a prayer, "God, let me be a light and show love to someone who needs You"?
There's no value in paper -- there is value in people.
Hope in wealth undermines trust in God.
What's your trust in?

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