Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Changing Seasons

One thing I love about March is the time change. Yep, I'm that girl who actually gets excited about the "spring forward" (aka losing an hour of sleep in most people's minds). The reason; our days get a little longer and the weather becomes breezy and sunny (at least here in good old Florida). It means 7 o'clock runs as the sun sets. BBQ's and picnics. Beach days, new flowers, and love is in the air (at least that is the rumor). To me, the whole daylight savings thing sort of signifies the beginning of Spring. A new season. Change.

Photo credit: Caroline Julianna                               
Snow is melting and things suddenly appear more colorful. Greens, pinks, yellows and blues pop up along roadsides and front porch flower beds. There's a crispness about the air in the mornings. From winter's bitter deadness emerges a warm brightness.

Mmm. It refreshes my soul. 

Seasons are obviously something that I use as a reflection of pieces and portions of my life. Hence the name: Season to Sing. This blog began as a journal of a new journey that began in a moment of sort of scary change. I remember it like it was yesterday... it started because I wanted stories as reminders that God uses change to change us.

I thank you all for reading (and putting up with) my long-winded, occasionally over-dramatic and always quirky stories. It has been an honor to have friends and strangers alike encourage, uplift and thank me.  I have however, in recent months, come to realize that my tendency to include every detail is sort of hindering at times. Sometimes I just want to post a picture or tell you about a new project I'm working on and of course I love sharing my God encounters. The problem is that I can't write it all if I'm going to rant for 900+ words. So that being said this marks a new season.. "a time change" so to speak. And potentially a little more incite into the various places I am investing my time and energy right now.

With graduation just around the corner and a very large faith-driven plan on the horizon, change is not only inevitable--it's expected! I've started to see it like the seasons, they change, and ultimately, there is very little control as to when or how or what. That being said I'm embracing this new season and I plan on bringing all of you along for the ride

The new blog will be a bit more well rounded, highlighting art, music, fashion, food, local & global issues organizations making a difference, the journey to Love Me Inc. and of course all kinds of God stories. 

Thank you again for all of the love and support you all have extended and continue to show. I am excited to have you alongside me in the new season I find myself walking into! I can't wait to see what God has in store for the future. All I can pray is that God will use my life to add a bit of laughter, entertainment, inspiration, love, blessing, and encouragement to yours.

The sun is shining, flowers are in bloom and I'm ready to indulge. Happy Spring... let the fun begin!

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