Sunday, June 19, 2011

You Smell Like Fruit Loops

My nose has been doing some thinking over the past week. As strange as that may sound, sometimes it is a sense that makes us most aware of our surroundings. The nose can distinguish disgusting from delicious, fresh from old, and pizza from brownies. It’s quite an amazing skill when you think about it. It can save you from drinking bad milk or it can make the tummy growl in anticipation of a fresh baked cookie.

As I have travelled to Poland I have smelled a variety of things, some good (clean laundry, fresh baked bread, flowers), others well, not as pleasant (stinky feet, old garbage, public restrooms). What most recently has my nose thinking is 2 Corinthians 2:14-16. It refers to spreading the knowledge of Christ like a sweet perfume. It says our lives are a Christ-like fragrance; life-giving perfume. Basically saying our smell reflects our life.

What an interesting visual, right? Life as a scent. I couldn’t help but ask what aroma I give off to God and those around me. What is my scent in the eyes of God like from day to day? Is it possible to smell like rotten cheese one day and fresh flowers the next?

I let the thought come and then slip from my mind, but it arose again a few days later as we did team devotions in the morning. We were reading and praying through Colossians 3:1-16, which talks about living a new life set after the example of Jesus, and what that looks like. Paul basically says the old crap we filled our lives with before isn’t going to cut it anymore. When we ask Jesus to come and be in relationship with us, our lives should begin to change in the ways of mercy, humility, kindness, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, love, peace and thankfulness.

As I finished reading I immediately turned back a few pages to Galatians 3, where it talks about God living in us and the production of His fruit as a result. Also known as the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness get the idea.

This sat on my brain as my team and I went into the fresh market to pick up some fruit. These markets in Poland are so amazing. I’m talking rows and rows of tiny booths filled with the most delicious looking fruits and vegetables you’ve ever seen. Like a superpower or something my nose began to be consumed by the smells of fresh watermelon, grapefruit, strawberries and citrus.

[Insert light bulb above ahead]

Fruit! It smells wonderful! It’s one of the best smells ever in my opinion. Get’s my mouthwatering just typing about it. Except of course when we are talking about the mystery fruit you pull out of the back of the refrigerator, that’s now an off-color of grey, fuzzy, and is concluded to be the horrid stench that has been wafting through the air every time the fridge doors open.

What’s my smell? Am I living like Jesus, growing and producing his fruit in my life? Or am I stinking it up; rotting from the inside out, smelling of decay and staleness?

Truth is when I have seriously accepted and embraced God’s love and forgiveness it is no longer a choice. “Holy” living is what is suppose to grow fom within when we open our hearts to Jesus. Like Colossians says it’s a new nature –internally taking shape and innately become part of who I am.

Jesus said you can identify a person by their actions. A good tree produces good fruit; the fruit shows where the roots lie. Are they dug into the soil of the world and its desires or into the Word and truth of Jesus Christ? John 15:8 &16 says God chose us to produce lasting fruit and in Philippians 1:11, it says we are filled with the fruit of our salvation which is righteous character in Christ.

Simple terms: If my character exudes that of Christ (in love, kindness, mercy…) then my aroma is probably quite fruity and delicious—pleasing God as I embrace my new life in him. These actions (or fruits) become part of you. It’s not a matter of “the right thing to do” or to be a “good person” but because faith in Christ is deepening; the nature of who you are is beginning to shift. When God’s love and grace go deep into the roots of who we are, fruit begins to sprout. And in the nose of God it is a sweet, sweet smell.

I think it's probably kinda like fruit loops.

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